Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I am woman hear me snore.

Dear Helen Reddy.  Thank you ever so much for your ode to female empowerment released some time in the 70s.

There days however, it would appear that I am doing more snoring than roaring.  Well at least that's what my smart mouthed oldest child keeps telling me.

Ok, I'll admit.  Yes...  Apparently my night time ritual has now included me snoring like a freight chain (hubby's words, not mine).  At some point in time, and I cannot remember when this occured, it seems that the kicks and knocks to my slumbering husband are now being returned.  To me.

It sucks.  Because quite frankly, snoring is just gross, annoying and painful. I blame my sinuses, because...  well I have to blame something! I use nasal sprays to clear the passages, but I fear that the snoring is thanks to advancing age.  Not that I'm ready to join the blue rinse brigade anytime soon, but still....

My eldest child's aversion to snoring was so blatant that days before we went away to my parent's beach house, she started laying the ground work to not sleep in our room. My parents own a lovely little beach cottage, one toilet and 3 bedrooms packed to capacity. There's not a lot of privacy and the walls are not sound proof.

She started early, saying that all the snoring people had to sleep in one room.  And she did not want to be in that room.  Ok dear child, we get the message.  You don't like snoring.

Can I just say... I'm fairly confident that when I was young, I never once dared to say anything like this to my mum.  In fact, many years ago, in a visit to my country of birth, my mum and I had to share a room and O. M. G.  Did that woman snore!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I was sleepless for about 5 days until I sought refuge on the couch. It was a shocker. But still I said nothing. 

Not so for the kiddly winks these days.

Anyway, it's getting late, best I get ready for another night of snoring.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Make me over

So for many years, I have put myself last behind a very long list of people who needed me for one reason or another.

My children, of course, need a mother to care for them and love them.  And all the stuff in between care and love, you know; teething, reflux, nappy rash, learning to walk, learning to talk, toilet training, tantrums, the arguing, that damn word WHY? that kids seem to pick up very early on.

So for many years while the other things around me came first, I sort of forgot the woman I used to be.  The fiery, smart, well groomed girl disappeared. In it's place came a frumpy, stressed and angry woman who's idea of style was a black hair tie and very loose tracky daks. 

Although I do still love my baggy trackies and an overly large t-shirt, something else has been stirring within.

I have renewed my love affair with makeup.  Although the last time I was really into my make up, Poppy King rules with her bold matte colour palette for lips. If there was something I could do, it was to rock a very matte, very red lip. God blessed me with full lips. And sarcasm.

So, where do you start when you want to dip your toes into the cosmetic world after a very long drought??

You Tube.  God bless the inventors of You Tube.  Have you visited it lately? You can learn practically anything on this website.

Let me tell you, there is about a gazillion videos out there, but the one I am currently obsessed with is the blog/You Tube tutorials.

The makeup artists are two sisters and I have spent many many hours checking out their videos on doing different looks.  Thanks to their help and recommendations, I have taken a leap into the 'Me' pool and I'm absolutely loving it.

I have always loved makeup. It's like a little bit of medicine in a lipstick or bronzer. I am loving trying new things.  I get things wrong...  but I will keep on trying. The cosmetic industry is a multi billion dollar industry and I am gobsmacked at some of the prices out there.  Thank the gods for online shopping.

I've included a link for the pixiwoo blog on You Tube.  Hope it works.  I love it!!