Friday, December 10, 2010

The good ole days.

Can anyone explain why the fuck we are in such a hurry to grow up when we are young? I mean, who hasn't yearned to be older when they were younger.

As a kid, time seems to drag on for an eternity, and the end of the year, Christmas and the summer holidays seem light years away.  When it finally arrives, it flies by so quickly that it's over when we've just settled into the groove.

These days, blink and you miss the first half of the year.  There are never enough hours in the day to do the things that need doing and you feel like life has hit fast forward and you can't keep up.

I now look back on the early days with the kind of longing that only comes with hindsight and experience.  I wish I had embraced every opportunity that came my way instead of running away from it.  I wish I had relished every weekend when all I had was the luxury of time.  I wish I had read more books when I'd had the chance, and slept for days.

Still, despite the craziness, life is relatively sweet.  I'd be lying if I said life was grand and perfect.  it's far from that.  Thankfully I have 2 little ones who still need a hug from Mummy to make everything ok again.

Seriously kiddies...  enjoy being free of adult responsibilites.  I won't lie, it can be fun being an adult and doing what you want to do.  But every ying has it's yang.  So for every great thing about being grown up (driving, drinking, partying, staying out all weekend and doing what ever you want), there will always be the negative (work, financial burden, heartbreak, disappointment) and the realisation that most of us grown ups don't have a fucking clue what we're doing 99% of the time.

Some people say it's the journey that's important.  I don't know if I subscribe to that theory. Sometimes knowing where you want to end up will help you chose the path or journey.  Whatever the case, don't be in a hurry to grow up, because once you've made the transition to adulthood, there's no going back.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Getting the hint.

This past week has been nightmarish to say the least.  I have to confess I am left mute at the blatant stupidity of people who have reached a certain station in life.

The circumstance aren't really important.  Suffice to say it's very messy, there are legal implications and I feel like I've been well and truly screwed by someone who should have known better.

The thing is, if this particular person and others of the upper echelons had bothered to say, "Whoops, our bad.  Sorry!" I think I could have swallowed the bitter pill far easier.  Instead, I've been made to feel like I'm over reacting to a paper cut, when in actual fact, I feel like someone has rammed a rusty knife into my solar plexus.

I wonder sometimes, what happens when you reach a certain place in life where you don't really need to worry so much about the people looking over your shoulder?  I'm nowhere near being this fortunate.  Most of my moves are closely monitored and scrutinised and slightest digression from the 'path' is commented on.  When you reach loftier heights, the line between right and wrong becomes very blurred and the line will invariably move to whatever side gets the person other than yourself the best outcome.

Thankfully, in the ashes of a fucked up week, I've seen first hand the real meaning of friendship.

One from someone relatively new in my life, but non the less important.  This person, who I fondly call the Dragon Lady has more balls and gumption in her tiny little pinky than about 20 of her peers combined.  You rock and it's been an absolute honour to work beside you.  I hope you know how much you've inspired me.

My BFF, the one person who thinks nothing of sitting quietly on the phone while I sob, cry and hyperventilate about my woes, who makes sense of the craziness spewing forth from my scattered brain.  And then offers an amazing gift to ease my burden.  Love you lots.

To my family, my kids, who were so worried when Mummy came home in a state of panic last week, who didn't even see the Happy meals they so adore and threw themselves into my arms to comfort me.  My Mr Nobody...  You are the reason I'm taking a stand.

Mrs Nobody is sick of taking people's shit.  No one should have to take it.  They failed to see my point of view.  I'm done being docile and accepting other people's views of what is best for me.

Listen up dick head.  I'm coming for you.