Friday, December 10, 2010

The good ole days.

Can anyone explain why the fuck we are in such a hurry to grow up when we are young? I mean, who hasn't yearned to be older when they were younger.

As a kid, time seems to drag on for an eternity, and the end of the year, Christmas and the summer holidays seem light years away.  When it finally arrives, it flies by so quickly that it's over when we've just settled into the groove.

These days, blink and you miss the first half of the year.  There are never enough hours in the day to do the things that need doing and you feel like life has hit fast forward and you can't keep up.

I now look back on the early days with the kind of longing that only comes with hindsight and experience.  I wish I had embraced every opportunity that came my way instead of running away from it.  I wish I had relished every weekend when all I had was the luxury of time.  I wish I had read more books when I'd had the chance, and slept for days.

Still, despite the craziness, life is relatively sweet.  I'd be lying if I said life was grand and perfect.  it's far from that.  Thankfully I have 2 little ones who still need a hug from Mummy to make everything ok again.

Seriously kiddies...  enjoy being free of adult responsibilites.  I won't lie, it can be fun being an adult and doing what you want to do.  But every ying has it's yang.  So for every great thing about being grown up (driving, drinking, partying, staying out all weekend and doing what ever you want), there will always be the negative (work, financial burden, heartbreak, disappointment) and the realisation that most of us grown ups don't have a fucking clue what we're doing 99% of the time.

Some people say it's the journey that's important.  I don't know if I subscribe to that theory. Sometimes knowing where you want to end up will help you chose the path or journey.  Whatever the case, don't be in a hurry to grow up, because once you've made the transition to adulthood, there's no going back.

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