Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A new beginning??

So, I think it's fair to say that the last year, aka 2010, was brutal.  I mean, really fucking brutal.  On a scale of 1 - 10, with 10 being the worst, I'd rate it as a 25+.  You follow?

In fact, those poor souls who had to be in close proximity to me at the end of last year heard a large amount of C bombs, F bombs and not to blow my own horn here, I think I may have invented some new foul language that would make some truckies and bikkies blush.

Without rehashing all of the drama, I had a car accident (my fault), dramas at work (NOT my fault), meetings, threats of intimidation and finally a court summons.  What can I say...  December 2010 was freaking awesome duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.

Needless to say, New Years eve we were all in bed sleeping.  Now I know that the change of a calendar does not a better year make...  but here's hoping.

To aide the recovery and to hearld in better times for me and my kinsmen, I've decided to feng shui my life, see a spiritual healer and run a smudge stick through my house to release the negativity.  I reckon one of these has gotta stick!

So here I sit, crushing dreams and creating a world of pain for myself and my colleagues in the line of duty. I'm living the dream.

Here's to a better 2011 people.  We can only hope!!

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