Monday, July 25, 2011

Back from the beyond.

So I've been MIA for a few months.

I faced a number of hurdles that just seemed to keep on coming. Painful. Frequent. Unrelenting.

Thankfully, the panorama of my humble, suburban life has improved and I find myself in calmer waters.

I look back at the past four months and wonder how the fuck I managed to drag my sorry butt out of bed and do what needed to be done. Three words. I'm a mum.

There is no sweeter validation than having your kids tell you they love you, even after you've spent a good ten minutes raging at them for something trivial and inconsequential.

I had a few of these raging fury earlier this year. I committed the sin of punishing my babies because I was having major issues with someone I work with.

And then one morning I woke up and said 'No More!!!'

I cannot tell you how liberating it is to finally admit defeat, not only to those around you, but more importantly, to yourself.

So anyway. Long story short, I've had issues. I've stopped taking shit and have made people accountable.

And guess what??? No one cried/died/freaked out.

I'll be back with more soon!!

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