Friday, October 26, 2012

I am woman hear me whinge.

Some time in the year of our Lord 1971, an Aussie by the name of Helen Reddy coined (part) of the title of this post. It is my understanding that she was singing about the emancipation of women, of equal rights and that fact that women roared.  Mind you, I could be WAY off the mark, as I was but a young girl when the song was released.

Oh Helen, I really hate to disappoint you, but really, there are some things that have not changed since the heady days of your number one hit.

Fast forward to 2012. I am a working mother. I work full time, I have two children that I ferry around to various specialists.  I manage the home finances, I am the social secretary, and life doesn't move without me.

But really, the world unfortunately favours those of us who were born with a penis.  Those of us who have a vagina still have not earned a place on the important list.

My husband, bless him, is completely clueless when it comes to anything other than his PS3, his conjugal rights and what's on the menu for dinner. He shows no interest in anything other than what pleases him. He remains clueless to the finances and has no idea who the kids specialists (of which there are MANY) and he has never read any of the kids school reports.  

So why then, does the bank, the school and every other institution alway always address the Mr in our home and not the Mrs??  What the fuck??

I'm sorry, but that really gets my goat.  Every time I log onto the school website, the family account is addressed to Mr Nobody.  He is parent 1. I on the other hand, am parent 2. Even though Mr Nobody, still to this date (term 4), does not know our 7 year old's teacher's name. 

And the bank...  OMG don't even get me started. No, you cannot fucking talk to the man of the house because the man of the house knows NOTHING!!  Why on earth would I get him involved?  He's only going to pass the phone over to me anyway!!

Seems to me that there is still a lot in life that needs to play catch up. I'd have no problems in deferring the balance of power to Mr Nobody if he actually knew what the hell he had to do.  But he doesn't.



Ok, vent over.

Have  a great weekend, even those of us who are parent 2.

Peace out party people.

Mrs Nobody

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