Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Pet peeves

With the world as it stands right now, life is a tad scary. There are really bad people and really stupid people. Today's post will be about things that piss me off, big time. It's nothing major, but sometimes it's more than I can bear.

1. Stabbing the butter container with a knife... And thus contaminating the butter with vegemite it jam or other contaminant. Makes me want to scream.

2. Changing the toilet roll. How fucking hard is it to put a new roll onto the holder?? I have spares in the toilet. Lean over and just put it on the holder.

3. Since we are in the toilet, I really do not need to see the remnants of last night's dinner on the bowl like racing stripes. Pick up the brush and clean it up. 

4. For the love of all that us good and pure, rinse out the bowls you have your weetbix in. If you don't, that shit sets like concrete and if we are ever in a nuclear war, I'm pretty sure we could use weetbix to build shelters.

5. If the bananas are black, throw them in the fucking bin instead of whinging about not having nice bananas.

6. Don't bust my chops if you have no clean socks. Leaving them in the car does not = putting them into the laundry hamper. Wear your child's socks or take your problems to the Oprah show.

7. Don't ask me what's for dinner and have a whinge about what I'm making. If it's not what you had hoped, go to the supermarket, buy what you want and then cook it yourself. I could do with a night off.

Can anyone relate??? Or am I just a ball breaker???

Peace out party people.


Mrs Nobody

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