Thursday, January 27, 2011

Playlists... and the forward button.

I like to think of myself as modern and with it (laugh if you will but I've been surfing the net way longer than the new generation!) but I must confess playlists on the iPod/iPhone confuse the hell out of me.

I am a child of cassette tapes.  I have many a fond memory of loading my ghetto blaster (my sweet 16th birthday pressie) with a brand new TDK cassette; 90 minutes thank you very much; and listening with FBI secret agent intensity to the radio to record the top 40 hits.  You'd wait with baited breath, finger poised above the record button, ready to start recording the nano-second your song started.  Then you'd sit, alert and waiting, ready to hit pause or stop before the DJ could ruin your mixed tape with crap.

Ahhhhhh.  Good times.

These days, it's all about downloads on iTunes and other programs I have no clue about.  Unless of course, you're into piracy and find you tunes on some naughty programs.  I believe there's one called Lemon String ;-) or words to that effect.

Me?  I prefer to download the proper songs, not so much for karma and not wanting to rip anyone off, although that is a factor.  My main reason is that I want the pretty album art while my song is playing.  Shallow?  You betcha.  But I hate that big treble clef that you get on your iPod when the song in play has no art work.  Stupid I know, but I still cannot work out how to import art into my iTunes account and quite frankly I cannot be bothered learning. So I get my tunes from iTunes.  But don't tell my husband.

I have amassed 1400 songs to date on my iPhone that I have personally selected.  There are over 4000 on my computer. Somehow, there are playlists I've not created myself with the exact same songs that are in other playlists.  How did this happen?  I'm too scared to delete them, just in case someone is watching and plans to haul me before a magistrate.

With so much to choose from, you'd think there'd be nothing to complain about.  Fear not friends.  Too much is never enough.  With such a large selection, there's never anything to listen too.  I mean 1400 songs FFS!!! And for some reason I spend most of my drive skipping songs until I find one I want to sing too.  WHY??????????

I have spent hours in front of my laptop, scrolling through my playlist and not being able to delete songs I haven't listened to for over a year.  What is it that compels us to keep stuff 'just in case'?  

Some songs I repeat.  Over and over again.  Others?  NEXT!!

Anyway.  That's my whinge for today.  I kinda pissed myself off tonight on the drive home.  It's like men and the bloody tv remote.  But that's fodder for another post.


  1. Hiya Mrs Nobody, I have a trick to get rid of the ugly ? you speak of. In iTunes, if you right click the song, you can select "find album artwork" If iTunes can't find it, you can always google the artwork yourself and add it to the song itself in the "get info" button.
    Enjoy. x

  2. Thanks Kylie31. I've tried that a number of times but some songs are too old??? My hubby told me I could click and drag but when I did that I ended up closing iTunes so I've given up. But thanks for your support.
    Much appreciated.
    MNB xxooxx
