Monday, August 30, 2010

Blink and you miss it.

Where did my weekend go?

As I sat and surveryed my home, it looked a like a bomb had hit it.  I mean seriously, I don't really quite understand why I bother.  The kids had basically trashed the place the minute we finished cleaning up.

We had a revolving door of visitors which the kids just love.  It was a fun weekend, I have to admit.  But by last night, there was not one clean coffee mug and quite frankly the thought of washing up made me want to curl up in the foetal position and weep.

I work full time, in a fairly demanding job.  My clientele is difficult at best and you don't even want to know what they are like at the their worst.  Sometimes after a long day, I just want to sit on my arse and vege out, the way I used to before the kids came.  They were simpler times.  Cereal was an option for dinner and all I had in my fridge back then was Diet Coke and some butter.

Nowadays, my idea of a perfect weekend is Funniest Home Videos, some takeaway and then bed.  Sundays are spent folding 8-10 loads of washing which is just freakin awesome...  NOT.  It does allow me to catch up on movies although I do feel like I'm drowning in bonds undies and singlets most Sundays.

And today the cycle starts again.  A new week, more dirty clothes to wash, more meals to cook, more fights to be had, more mess to clean up.

Ahhhhh  the joys.  Life is good.


  1. I am so hearing you on the 'good old days' when you could actually 'veg' out, watch DVDs all day and do absolutely nothing. We reminisce about those said days often! LOL

  2. AHHHHH............Gigglin already!
