Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm here. Now what?

A friend suggested I start a blog.  I have no idea why.  I love to write.  That doesn't mean that anyone will care about anything I have to say...  or maybe they will.

Friends are funny, hard work, brilliant and sometimes so fucking annoying you just want to slap them.

I'm big believer in quality friends instead of quantity friends.  Connections fascinate me.  I mean, everyone knows someone they think is a complete dick.  But somewhere out there, there is a person who thinks they rock.  Well, that's the dream anyway.

Just recently, I hosted a get together for a group of friends who had not been under the same roof in well over six years.  I love that we can pick up where we left off and not care that years have passed and life has gone on.  Some of us are parents and the others are still living the dream.  Months and years can pass and I know that these people will be there forever.

And then there are the life-longers.  The few who have seen it all unfold.  The ones you went camping with over summer.  The ones who suffered with you during the high school years.  The ones who helped wipe your tears over broken hearts and who held your hair back when you spewed the ouzo you stupidly skulled.

And then there are the friends that God blesses us with.  A child who tells everyone you're their bestest friend.  Hopefully that won't change as the years go by.  I won't hold my breath though.  Some things are inevitable.

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