Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The truth according to who?

So here's the thing... 

Why do people think that being honest or telling the truth excuses you from accepting responsibility for the aftermath of a few choice words?

Truth is hard to define, unless you are referring to something grounded in fact.  Everything else is a judgement call and is more often than not, subject to interpretation.  I'm not sure that brutal honesty is worth the aggro to be perfectly honest.  I mean, why on earth would you want to set someone off and spend hours, days and possibly weeks having a bad time?

What do you want more?  To be right or to be happy?

I've had a number of run ins with my hubby over this.  Yes, in a perfect world, people would tell the truth all the time and things would not escalate and people would not get offended or upset.  Dare to dream.

I think there are ways to say things to minimise the impact on someone.  Everyone has their own way of doing things but is it really necessary to hurt someone you claim to love?

Guys, listen up.  If your loins are crying out for some bonding time with the Mrs, you may want to censor your words.  Trust me, the ladies would be more inclined to indulge in sexual congress with you if they don't feel fat, ugly, frustrated, pissed off or hard done by.  I mean, it's not rocket science. 

Sprinkle some praise, tell them they're hot, tell them they cooked the BEST meal ever, tell they they are doing a great job and your dreams may just come true.

Women are complex and insane (made even worse by hormonal imbalances) but let me tell you, there is NOTHING we wouldn't do for our sweetheart who makes us feel like the most amazing person that walks the earth.  You may even find yourself on the receiving end of that thing you only get every now and then...  You know, the thing you only get on special occasions.

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