Friday, November 19, 2010

Giving thanks for the things that matter

After a particularly brutal week at work, rather than focus on the bad things that took place, I've decided to say thanks to the people who've made the experience bearable.

Firstly, I must say thanks to my family.  My poor, suffering family...  they bear the brunt of my impatience at idiots who do not;
  • read their correspondence
  • take ownership for their own shortcomings and fuck-ups
  • LISTEN to sage advice from someone old enough to know better and who has perspective borne of life experience
  • know when to let their babies grow up.
Despite my crankiness and exhaustion, there was never a shortage of cuddles and snotty kisses from my babies and my man.

My workmates rock.  A shared pain is halved when you have people who can truly understand why at the end of the day you want to pound your telephone handset until it resembles dust.  Why you sometimes want to scream at the insanity of 'executive' decisions that have no chance of working in the real world.

My PFF (poofter friend forever - his words, not mine!) who keeps me sane with his incredibly funny and extremely politically incorrect emails remind me that sometimes you just have to say FUCK it and laugh at the insanity that is our lives.

My BFF, my friend who's been with me for over 3 decades...  a great sounding board for the truly heinous days, when only someone who truly gets you allows you to vent like a complete lunatic without missing a beat, with no judgement of my filthy language, my insane rantings or the millionth email about the same old thing.

And then there's the surprise friends you make.  The ones who come out of nowhere, that you don't see coming but who somehow make a lasting impact and make you strive to be a better person. 

I must say, somewhere along the line...  in living my life, I must have done something right to have reaped such a great diversity of friends.  I don't have a lot of friends, but I have quality friends.  While I'm not rich in material things, my wealth lies in the ties I've formed.

So thank you to each and every one of you.  Without you in my life, it would be dull, colour less and empty.

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