Saturday, November 6, 2010

Like sands through the hour glass...

I've had cause to be at home on a number of occasions during the past few weeks and I've discovered that daytime TV sucks.  Like BIG time.

Quite frankly it amazes me that Days of Our Live (or DOOL to most fans) is still going, because I was watching this show when I was 18, and let me tell you that was almost 25 years ago.  Back then, I was a die hard fan, totally committed to the show.  I used to tape the episodes when I started working.  Bo and Hope. Patch and Kayla.  They were my main reasons for watching.  Nothing made me happier than suffering for these couples, willing them to get together and have their first kiss.

I also dabbled in Young & The Restless, Another World, Santa Barbara and was 'lucky' enough to watch the very first episode of Bold and The Beautiful.  Yes friends, I am kinda old.

I used to rush to my local newsagent to buy Soap Opera Digest (the US version).  When I moved out of my parents house and into my first home, I think there were two or three boxes full of them that I conveniently left behind.  At the time I just had to have them.  Years later, I wondered what possesed me to fork out $5.95 per edition back in the late 80s.

Twenty years ago, Marlena the enduring heroine, the one who battled through so many obstacles to be with Roman. These days, Marlena still looks amazingly preserved and there have been like a million different actors playing the Roman character.  In fact, if memory serves, there was once a brain washed dude who thought he was Roman, but was in fact a man called John.  And I think that the evil Stefano (who has died and come back to life more times than I care to remember) planned it all.

I must give credit where credit is due though.  If anyone knows how to put obstacles in the path of true love, it's soap writers.  I mean my God...  the dramas these characters go through to be together.  Most of us only deal with exes, in laws, and feuding friends.  They go through kidnapping, brain washing, corruption and more sub plots and loopholes than a legal document.

But Bold and the Beautiful.  Now there's a soap.  Back then Brooke Logan was a scientist from the wrong side of the tracks.  Some twenty years later, she's now running a fashion house and seems to have a penchant for men with shared DNA and has an appetite for her daughters men.

She's married her way through and entire family, Dad, brothers and anything with a penis and pulse usually.  Giving credit where credit is due, she looks fucking awesome for a woman of her vintage.  

One question though.  Why does she feel the need to 'accidentally' screw over her daughters?  Not that I can keep track of who and how many daughters she has.  Between Taylor and Brooke, the lines of familial ties is very blurred and I'm convinced that if it were real life, those children they spawned would look vastly different to the pretty people portraying them on screen.  I'm no scientist, but all that inbreeding would seriously screw with their DNA, bringing about all manner of scary things!

Ok, I can admit...  maybe the first time she bumped uglies with her daughter's man, you could say, "Shit, now there's a massive OOPS on mummy's part!".  But seriously, every subsequent time later you have to ask yourself.  Honest mistake or is she just a HO?  I say ho.

With all her money (I mean, how many times has she married the different Forrester men, her alimony payments must be freaking awesome), you think she's be able to afford a holiday to some Four Seasons resort somewhere, where she could meet a man with no ties to the Forrester clan and do the horizontal tango with them.  No, she prefers to stay closer to home to be a good mom.  NEXT!!!

I seriously need to get Foxtel.  Donations are accepted ;-)

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