Monday, November 15, 2010

Heros and role models.

For some time now, I've lamented the loss of real role models and heroes in our modern society.

The media, aka 'them' and 'they', thrust down our throats pathetic, vacuous and shallow people like Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan and the other train wrecks in Hollywood.  I mean really... what have these nuff nuffs contributed to society other than the word 'like', a predisposition of eating disorders, an overuse of spray tan and a new meaning to the word useless.  They all look like they need to be dipped in dettol and receive a scalding sponge bath before you shake their hands.  Yes friends, skany people spread germs!

And then the Victorian government goes and spends an obscene amount of tax payer $$ to bring out Tiger Woods, serial adulterer, complete and utter knob who couldn't spell the word apology if he tried.  Thank the Lord, someone up above saw the sense to rain on his parade.  I sincerely hope Mrs Ex Tiger Woods enjoys her generous settlement.  I would have sliced off his willy with a 9 iron had I been in her shoes.  Dirty man whore.

Thank god I am surrounded by amazing, strong, generous people who inspire me every day. 

To all the unsung heroes out there, I thank you.

To the skanks and man whores.  Get a life.

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