Saturday, February 5, 2011

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

It's becoming increasingly evident that these days most people refuse to accept responsibility for their actions, if said actions are considered bad form.

I, for one, am kinda over this sort of nonsense. I've experienced the worst of human kind this week and let me tell you...  Be under no illusions that your bad behaviour does not affect people.  It does. In a very big and significant way.

Adultery.  A crime punishable by death...  Of a family. Of trust. Of respect. Of dreams.

I wonder sometimes what goes through people's minds as they take the road to adultery.  How do they reconcile to themselves the gravity of the lies that are to begin? Does reason die in the face of lust fuelled endorphins coursing through your veins? Is the ability to remember right from wrong shattered by carnal urges, in the same way you are shattering the lives of your husband/wife, children, parents, in-laws, friends?

I'm sorry but to engage in an affair, at any given point in time, while you are in a committed relationship is WRONG. BAD.  TERRIBLE. Basically a BIG FAT NO.  And there are NEVER any excuses.  No matter what you want to believe.  There just isn't.  Not now.  Not ever.

Now, I'm worldly enough to realise (and by worldly I mean old) that in this day and age, there are very few things left in life that don't have an expiration date.  Love, unfortunately, is one of those things. But again; there's a right and wrong way to deal with things.  

Why don't we talk to each other anymore?  What happened to good ole fashioned communication?  Try it people.  You may be pleasantly surprised.

The excuses for being a selfish cunt are so pathetic.  I mean really. 

  • "I have needs, they weren't being met"- Well boo fucking hoo.  Did you ever once stop to consider the feelings and needs of your partner? Here's a thought...  Where you meeting their needs?  I'm guessing not, since it would appear that life is all about you.
  • "I got married/involved/tied down too young" - Unless you're married/involved/tied down with an 80 year old, I'm going to go out on a limb and hazard a guess that your partner was also married/involved/tied down too young also.  And your point is?
  • "There are issues from my childhood that make it hard for me" - So what?  Issues. We all have them.  Some worse that others, but issues non the less.  DEAL WITH THEM.  Stop blaming everyone for what happened in the past.  Seek help.  Confide in your partner and heal yourself.  If you can legally drink, drive, vote and pay taxes then you need to assume responsibility for your life and take whatever measures you need to take to make sure you are a functioning member of society and more importantly, of your FAMILY.
  • "I would have taken this to my grave" - What? Is that a good thing? Are we supposed to applaud you for continuing the lie for an entire lifetime? Most people who 'fess up under duress do so because someone is blackmailing you.  So seriously.  Keep this to yourself because no one will be impressed with your noble move to continue the lie. In fact, it's only going to make us want to give you a couple of more slaps and swift kick to the pelvic region.
  • "I didn't sow my wild oats. I need to run free" - If your idea of being fricken awesome is to shag everything with a pulse, go for it.  I mean, if that's what it takes to make you feel good about yourself, then do it.  But again, right and wrong. Become your inner slut when you are no longer encumbered with a family.

As far as I'm concerned, there's never an excuse to cheat.  Affairs indicate a weak character, someone who has no self control or consideration for the needs of those they claim to love. 

Wrong.  No matter how you look at it.  It's wrong.  It's nasty. Don't do it.  Simple.

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