Wednesday, September 1, 2010

God helps those who help themselves.

I am pissed off.  In a very big way.

I like to think I'm open minded enough to rise above the usual bullshit and still offer help to those that need it.  I will not, however, knowingly allow someone to continually blame me and the world for their lot in life.

At some point in life, you have to step up and accept responsibility for your own life.  I am so fucking over this percieved sense of entitlement that people seem to have.  I am therefore I deserve. AAhhhh no actually, you don't.

Here's the thing.  Regardless of what you think the world owes you, the only person responsible for you is YOU!  Wake up to this and everything will be much easier.  It's really easy to blame everyone else for the fact that you aren't cutting it in the big ole world but at the end of the day... what are you actually doing to better your own situation.

These days it's all about mental health and depression and anxiety.  That's all well and good and I know that some of these issues are extremely debilitating.  But if someone extends you a helping hand, don't bite it then whinge and moan at how hard your life is.

Today I saw first hand a person so crippled by rage and percieved injustices that they could not see the help that was there all along.  And I'm sorry, while I understand that life has dealt you some knocks, blaming everyone around you is not going to get you the help you need.

Sometimes in life you just have to say...  Ok guys, I fucked up big time.  Is there a way forward from here? 

I'll be more inclined to help you if you're honest.  If you blame everyone else, the door will close.

I need a laydown.  And some Bex.  With a nip of sherry.

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