Sunday, October 31, 2010

Forks in the road and do overs

So after a stressful weekend, I've spent the day ignoring trick or treaters because this is still Australia and Halloween is an American holiday.  More importantly, as you may all be aware, I spend most of my Sunday afternoons on my sizeable arse, folding mountains of laundry.

Today of course, was no different.  And since I had the mother of all meltdowns yesterday, I've had sole control of the plasma all day, which is rather lovely.  So thus far, I've made my way through Legally Blonde and I've finished up with Suddenly 30.

I love Suddenly 30.  It's not just because Jennifer Garner is so wholesomely lovely and shiny, nor is it because Mark Ruffalo is so god damn hot in the most nondescript way (and OMG he can park his loafer on my door mat ANY day).  It's because it touches on a subject that I love.

Would you, if you could go back in time, change things and perhaps take a different fork in the road or do something over again?  I mean, how freaking awesome would it be to go back to an age where you know, with the benefit of hindsight, that something was so totally wrong for you, that you go in the complete opposite direction?  Imagine having the chance to do something again, and getting it right this time.

Of course, having that kind of knowledge would change the course of your life, but even if it's for the better good, is it the right thing to do?

I don't know...  Sometimes better the devil you know is the preferred option.  But what if it's not?  An ugly divorce, a violent relationship, an assault, a missed opportunity with the possible love of your life.  Or maybe it's just buying a GHD or that special pair of shoes that were on special (and you thought, nope, I'll get it next week) only to find that someone else is wearing your shoes.  Whatever the case may be, getting everything you wish for with the benefit of hindsight could be a very dangerous thing.

I'm not particularly religious, but I do believe in God.  I think it's important to have faith in a greater power/good/being, other wise what's the point in raising our children to walk the good path?  There's a saying that I hear a lot, although for the life of me I can't remember it right now, but it goes something like God only gives us challenges he knows we can handle... or words to that affect.

Perhaps that's why he makes some people so ridiculously gorgeous and talented (Angelina, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Brad Pitt, George Clooney et al) and the rest of us in his image. Because he knows we can use our other skills to get ahead.

Many years ago, we emigrated to Australia.  Apparently applications were sent to Australia, Canada and the USA.  Australia got back to us first and here we are.  But what would my life be like had the US application been processed first?  I'm happy we came to Australia, I like my accent.  But the shopping would have been way better in the US.

I used to sing in a choir years ago.  Won some prizes even.  Had Australian Idol, X Factor and the other million talent shows that are all over tv been around then, would I have tried my luck?  Probably not, or maybe I'd have auditioned and punched that smart arse Kyle in the gonads.

When I'm having a shit day, I sometimes wonder where I'd be now if I'd never met my husband.  I believe our meeting was destined.  I wasn't looking for anything.  It was such a random meeting that there's really no other explanation for it.   But would I have remained single?  Would I be upwardly mobile, driving a sports car and going to the gym every night, spending my entire wages on anything I wanted?  Quite possibly.

My oncologist told me I'd never have children.  I think I fell pregnant despite the odds just to prove him wrong.

So here I am.  A frustrated, pissed off, sleep deprived mother of two who wouldn't change a thing.  I can tell you this though.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, this time next week I'll be back here, on the couch, folding another mountain of laundry.  I'll be yelling at my kids and cursing at the fact that I need to go to work tomorrow.

I took all the right forks in the road, because they all made me the person I am today.  A little crazed, but overall, not a bad chick.  And I still have my dvds to make me happy.

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