Saturday, March 12, 2011

Men behaving badly.

Is it me or is there a large amount of footage on men acting like complete idiots in the media lately?  I mean really.  Charlie Sheen, Ricky Nixon, Brendan Fevola to name a few.

Apart from Fevola, the other two are older and supposedly wiser (although these days, with Peter Pan complexes at an all time high, who the hell knows?) and should know better. But do they?  Do men ever grow up really?

Let's examine the evidence shall we?

Exhibit One;


The Warlock

Charlie Sheen.  Now there's a train wreck that's hard to miss.  Is anyone else concerned that the bowling shirts, shorts and socks with loafers he seems to favour are messing with his head?  I mean come on.  The rants are just priceless.  You can't get through the day without hearing some insane tirade spewing from his mouth.  Team that with the craziness that is radiating from those eyes and you've got dinner and a show right there.  Below are a few of my personal favorites:

1. 'I am on a drug, it's called 'Charlie Sheen!' - when asked if he was on drugs by ABC News' Andrea Canning during an interview on March 1, 2011. 
  • now kiddies, trust Mrs Nobody, you don't, under any circumstances, want to try this drug.  I mean like ever.  Never ever.  The results could be disastrous. Take a look at that picture.  Sexy?  I think not.
2. 'I'm so tired of pretending like my life isn't perfect and bitchin' and just winning every second and I'm not perfect and bitchin' and just deliverying the goods at every frickin' turn, because, look what I'm dealing with' man. I'm dealing with fools and trolls, dealing with soft targets and it's just, you know it's just strafing runs in my underwear before my first cup of coffee because I don't have time for these clowns.' - Charlie Sheen's first on-air rant.
  • bitchin'?  What, is it the 90's again?  Has he stepped through the space time continuum?
3. 'They'll wake up one day and realize how cool dad is. And, you know, signs all the checks on the front, not the back. And you know, we need him and we need his wisdom and his bitchin'-ness.' - Charlie Sheen about his twin sons Bob and Max.
  • Oh really?  Did you ever thing that's prefer a great, sober and alive father instead of a bitchen' duuuude? I'm guessing that they will raise you, hopefully, maybe.  I wonder what your two young and one adult daughters have to say about bitchin' Daddy?
4. I'm different. I have a different constitution, I have a different brain, I have a different heart. I got tiger blood, man. Dying's for fools, dying's for amateurs. - Charlie Sheen
  • News flash.  You're not different.  You're just like the rest of us.  Human, fragile and eventually, you will die.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this little boy has never grown up.  He has fathered five children, married three women, shot a former fiancee and is currently ensconced with two goddesses. What a catch!  Now I'm old enough to realise he may be suffering from delusion issues and the word grandeur springs to mind.  But clearly someone out there who's supposed to be looking after his best interests (mainly because he's paying them too) isn't doing a stellar job of it all.  SHUT HIM UP already.

The sad thing is, the media is keeping him right up there, turning him into a legend and proving yet again, that they have no morals or concerns about one very sick individual.

For those of you who want to see some more insanity, check out this youtube vid.

Exhibit Two;

Ricky Nixon.  What can we say about a 47 year old man who engages in an inappropriate dalliance with a minor.  Apparently people have an issue with the fact that the girl in question is 17, which apparently makes her 'old enough' to know better.  

Firstly, let me say this.  Out of the two of them, and let me make this clear; they were both at fault and both equally stupid, he was the adult.  No matter how you want to look at it, in the eyes of the law, she's still a child while Ricky on the other hand, left the teen years behind him some 30 years ago and has a crap load of life experience that should have told him NO.

It's very interesting to see people's reactions to this situation.  The level of vitriol that has been put out towards the girl in question is nothing short of amazing. But when you examine the facts and find out about her background, it all points to a very troubled child (and FYI the law says she's the child in this scenario, not him) who has some serious self esteem issues and is in desperate need for attention.  In a sports mad city, where else but the AFL would she go?

Ricky on the other hand, is a father, has a very senior position within the AFL realm and FYI is FORTY SEVEN YEARS OLD! Common decency and common sense should have sent him a clear message that this little adventure was wrong and dangerous.

I find it rather opportunistic that he flees the country in the hopes that it will all die down and he can come back and resume his life as per usual.  In the interim, the silly girl goes on another rant courtesy of 60 Minutes (again, well done media outlets for keeping prime news in the headlines... not) and he comes out and tells the world he has substance abuse problems and checks into rehab.

Rehab is the get out of jail card these days.  It seems everyone who's anyone wants to do a stint in rehab because apparently it adds street cred to your reputation.

The saddest thing of all is that people these days are impressed by idiots behaving badly.  By virtue of being a selfish, stupid, immoral and completely fucked up twit, your popularity soars and people think you effing ROCK duuude.

So to answer my initial question.  In both of these cases, the answer is no.  These boys have never grown up.

Is it any wonder Mother Nature is venting her fury at the stupidity of the human race? I think we've all lost out way a wee little bit.  We've scarificed the essence of real heroes who are selfless in their quests for idiots who's primary concern is themselves; their needs, their desires, their wants.

Kinda scary isn't it?

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