Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sometimes the smartest thing is to walk away

Have you ever fought for something you knew in your heart was right and found yourself battling insurmountable obstacles?

I have, for a year now, been banging my head against a brick wall to effect positive change. I have talked and talked and talked, all for nought. And I have not fought for change alone.

I have been fortunate enough to work with and along side of an inspirational woman who taught me the meaning of real leadership. The meaning of real support in the face of glaring stupidity. The meaning of friendship, in a situation so toxic it would fell lesser people.

As I prepare to walk away from the fight, I wonder what the next 6 months will bring?

I'm going to miss to miss the closeness we shared as we compared war wounds and horror stories. I'm going to miss doing what I Iove to do... Helping people and making a real difference.

I won't miss the crazies. The venom. The aggro. The stalkers.

It will be interesting watching the walls come tumbling down. The weird thing is, I feel sorry for the new incumbent who has no idea what's ahead as they take on what is left behind. How do you prepare someone for war?? Dramatic statement I know. But if I look back over the past year, I feel battle weary.

Somewhere out there, a young person blames me for their problems in life. I have become the focus of all of their anger, disappointment, vitriol and hatred. What did I do? I sent them a pro forma letter.

Anyway, that saga has not yet been resolved and continues to rage around me and I really couldn't care less.

And that's the thing that really makes me sad. The not caring part. Because I prefer to be engaged in what's going on and not just a spectator.

Never mind. New adventures await. More controversy, new battles.

At least I get to keep my friend. Coffee is going to be fun from now on!

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