Saturday, September 11, 2010

An apple for the teacher.

So I've gone back to uni this year, after 20 years.

I have to say, I'm loving it.  My fellow students, however, kinda irritate the crap out of me; particularly the school leavers.

In my class, there is a group of young boys, who continually stare and smirk at the old chook (me) in the tute.  I'm not exactly what it is about me they find so funny, but it's all there on their faces.

Sure, I may have twenty years on them, age wise, but seriously boys, I'm actually not an alien. I wonder if they've even stopped to consider that I was once as young and stupid as they are.  It's hard to relate to someone with life experience when your slate is clean and wide open and you have yet to make the kind of mistakes that shape the adult you will become.

And then there's the two students that spend the entire class on facebook and twitter.  I mean, why?  What's so important that can't wait until you're free?  I'm a massive fan of the internet, but there's a time and place for everything don't you think?

So while they sit across from me and smirk and laugh at what I have to say, I'll roll my eyes inwardly and just eyeball them.  In 20 years time, you'll know what I mean.  Ditto for the internet twins.

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