Friday, September 17, 2010

Chick Flicks

Love them.  

They don't have a deeper meaning, they don't try to save the world.  It just affords me some time so sit and enjoy.  Get a handsome man, a beautiful woman, throw in some obstacles they need to overcome, but at the end of the day, they end up together and everyone ends up happy.

Some time ago, I sat in class surrounded by some very young students and one ego maniac of a tutor.  He claimed in class that anyone who indulges in romantic comedy has no life.

Ummmmm  what?

Most of my classmates were very quick to agree and the discussion turned to 'serious' movies, you know, the kind that 'intelligent' people prefer.  That kind of attitude really pisses me off.  Wait until you've got some life experience before you cast such a broad and offensive statement.

What's wrong with wanting a couple of hours of lightness, bubbles and happy endings?


I watch other types of movies too, but the other day I was tortured by watching The Road.  By the end of this movie, I felt like taking a hot bath and then rocking in the corner in the foetal position.  It's spectacularly depressing and not a movie I'd recommend to anyone who may be in a fragile state of mind.

Life is shitty enough without having to resort to watching further depressing plots and the possible future that awaits us.

I'll stick to my movies, the ones that make me smile, the ones I can share with the kids.  Demonic possessions, armageddon and zombie producing viruses can find a home somewhere else.

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