Saturday, October 16, 2010

Beauty VS Brains

It's that age old question.  Which quality holds more value?

I ask this because I'm non sexually in love with a lovely young lady who's just gorgeous who's so impossibly sunny that I believe there is not an ounce of bitterness or rancor running through her veins.  She's insanely sunny, has an impressive amount of 'Huh?' quality about her and she's probably the most correctly accessorised person I've ever met.  She's effing awesome and I love her!!

I met her under duress, in a situation that makes most moderately intelligent people quake.  Not her...  Nuh uh!

She handled the drama with what I believe is her usual flair.  She smiled and was gracious and accepting and she looked gorgeous doing it.  I ran into her again earlier this week and and am still feeling the after affects of that run in.  She was bronzed to within an inch of her life, her eyes were the colour of an azure sky in Mykonos and she looked like she'd just stepped off a photo shoot.  She was filled with renewed vigour and looking forward to the next phase and while we chatted, I realised that despite being blessed with beauty and a very sunny disposition, she's sadly lacking in smarts.

And to be honest with you, I don't think that's a bad thing.  I mean, lets face it.  These days, it pays to be pretty.  Pretty opens doors that remain firmly shut for us mere mortals with hormonal imbalances, acne, mammary gland deficiencies and the inability to coordinate.  
It's just a fact.

I mean, how useful is having brains anyway??  I mean really??  Who cares if you can engage in witty verbal sparring, debate government policy, contribute ground breaking advances to science, dissect world news or the booming exchange rate??  That kind of madness cuts in to your shopping/gym/beauty treatment time.  I mean hello???????  

After we said our goodbyes, I had a feeling I'd run into her again, most likely in anxious times (hers, not mine) but I get the distinct impression that whatever life throws at her, she's going to be fine.  Things have a way of falling into place and quite frankly, I'm always going to have her back.  Because I hope that some of that glamour and gorgeousness will rub off.

In my next life I want to come back as a gorgeous woman with absolutely no brains.  Either that or a pampered poodle.  Kinda same same really ;-)

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