Thursday, October 7, 2010

Political correctness.


It's a fucking crock.  Seriously.

Why are we all so afraid to tell it like it is??  Don't get me wrong, in one of my earlier posts I talk about 'telling the truth' and all that that entails.  Tact is something we all need to think about, especially when you're dealing with a loved one.

It has been my experience of late that we are all too happy to hide behind PC so as not to anger the gods. 

Well I'm getting off the bandwagon.  Here's a few things that have caused me much distress of late.

  1. There are a number of groups of people who cannot drive a car.  It's unfortunate, but if you can recognise the groups in question then clearly I am not alone in my assessment.  To these people I say, good for you, stay off the roads between 6am-9.30am and then from 3.00pm -8.00pm.  This are the times when your lack of skills contribute to road rage and accidents.  You've done your bit for socitey with your culinary delights.  We thank you.
  2. Hypochondriacs.  OMG shut up already.  Everyone has something going on.  I do not care about your infected ingrown toenail and quite frankly I fail to see how it has incapcitated you to such a degree that life as you know it has ceased to function.  Take a couple of Nurofens, get an early night then get on with it.  Turn on the telly and watch a couple of Discovery docos and appreciate the fact that you are alive, you are functioning and that there is ALWAYS someone worse off than you.
  3. People who think they know it all.  YOU DON'T!  And FYI an opinion is a judgment and not grounded in fact.  It's just what you think and since no one really likes you but won't tell you to your face, it renders it null and void because no one cares.  Face it, although you may not realise it, you're stupid.  True story.
  4. The automatic assumption that the male is still the dominant one.  Hello banks.  My name is on the account.  I am, in fact, the wearer of the pants in our household.  It really really really irks me that all the correspondence goes to my husband.  Bless him, he's a great husband and father, but a record keeper or organiser of anything is not his forte.  I'd appreciate it if you would direct your enquiries to me.  Trust me, if you piss me off enough, I'll take my business elswhere.  Just ask Westpac.  Get with the effing program already.
  5. Gen Y.  What the hell?????  The world does not owe you a thing.  Get off your arse, get a job and earn your place in the world.  Get used to hearing the word NO.  You hear it a lot in the adult world.
  6. AFL & NRL.  You are creating a culture of neanderthal men who think that women are objects for their gratification.  Pull your head out.  You get paid the big bucks, earn your effing keep already.
  7. I have a husband, not a spouse or partner.  I'm a Mrs, not a Ms.  I have a gorgeous friend who is a self confessed poof who likes a good 'prosty bashing' (his words, not mine), I yell at my kids, like ALOT.  I try to remember positive reinforcement but I usually rely on bribery.  My bad.
It's been a bad morning.  Can you tell??

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