Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The tv show.  I love it.

As the world gets increasingly scary, insane and out of control, I find myself escaping the daily news with this show.  There is something really comforting in absorbing yourself in forty five minutes of song, dance and eye candy.  It's my happy pill for the week and look forward to it with the kind of anticipation that children reserve for opening Christmas presents.

With so much going on around me that requires me to be grown up, sensible, practical and everything else 'non fun' it's really really nice to lose myself in the music and silly story lines.  

As stupid as this may sound, it makes me feel like I'm a teenager again.  I feel like the future is still undecided, that the slate is clean and that the possibilities are endless.  I feel like that dorky teenager who struggled with so many issues (as all teens do) but still had that flame inside.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life.  It's crazy, messy, difficult, frustrating, busy and very very full.  I'm not the best mother or wife in the world, but I work at it every day.  Some days I ace it.  Some days I don't.

I think it's necessary to have a reprieve every now and then. We all need to replenish the soul.  If you don't, the bitterness will grow and take over.

So for those forty five minutes, I get all gooey inside.  I sing along, I cry, I laugh and I share my joy with my friends who love it too.  The sms and facebook messages let me know I'm not alone, that somewhere, hundreds of kilometers across the country, my soul sisters are right there with me.

The best thing of all, my love of music, musicals and all things pop has been inherited by my eldest child.  Job well done Mummy.

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