Saturday, October 2, 2010

Spring has sprung!

For the past week, we've been basking in glorious sunshine.  Hooray!  Spring is here!

It never ceases to amaze me, the effects of some UV rays on people state of mind.  This week, there has been a distinct shift in attitude and dress sense.  There are two categories of people when it comes to spring.  Those who love it and those who hate it.


This week saw the arrival of havianas and sun dresses;  which is great.  But, it's still like only 6 degrees in the morning so it's a tad premature.  I know the sun's out, but the chill factor in the wind is biting.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a massive fan of havianas.  In fact, I'm planning on getting me a swarovski crystal embossed pair this year in TWO colours.  (They exist ladies, trust me.  Google it).

The tell tale sign of being cold is goosebumps  Not a good look.  So please, chuck on a pair of leggings.  I beg you.  You can dispense with them in a few more weeks.

Fake tan.  Ok, I'm just going to say it.  It's NOT a good look.  Ever.  Orange legs don't look natural.  No one is buying it.  Most of us know your rubbed it in (we can see the streaks) and no one believes for a second that you've been to Fiji, Bali, Bora Bora, Phuket or even the Gold Coast.  Over use of this product is rampant.  

Not long ago I saw a young lady walking around looking like an Oompa Loompa that had escaped from Willy Wonka's sheltered workshop.  To compound the problem, she was ensconsed in white which really did her no favours.  I wanted to stage an intervention but instead I kept on walking.

Please please, oh please.  This must stop.  

Getting fit.  On my drive home from work, I'm seeing lots of people out walking dogs, jogging, riding bikes.  Doing what they have to do to kick start their metabolism after a long winter.  I take my hat off to you all.  You have inspired me to do the same.

To the gentleman I saw cycling yesterday.  Sir, I applaud you.  Well done.  I admire a person who throws himself into a get fit campaign with gusto.  I hope that by summer, you are lean, buff and ready for some serious fun in the sun.  A suggestion?  You may want to consider leaving the cycling lycra for later on.  I think I speak for my fellow drivers when I say the vision of you reaching the crest of that hill was awesome.  And kinda disturbing.  Girth like yours is highly valued in some cultures.


Spring = allergies.  Red eyes, severe sinusitis, hives and a revolving door at your local pharmacy for antihistamines and nasal spray.  It sucks balls and is not fair.  Nuff said.

You have my sympathies.

Happy spring everyone!!

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